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Quotes on Leadership: What One Person Can Do

If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. - Maya Angelou I've just found this quote.  It's a wonderful expression of one of the privileges of leadership - being a leader can mean that your single intention and desire can profoundly affect many people.  Not all of us can hope to touch a million people but we can play a part in changing many "realities".

Quotes on Leadership : Lead By Example

Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it is the only thing. Albert Schweitzer A leader can shape his followers best by showing them the way forward rather than telling them  about it. If you want to show your team how important serving your clients is make sure that they can see  you taking it seriously and going the extra mile.  If they can see that you are committed they are more likely to follow your example. To paraphrase Gandhi if you want to make a change be the best example of that change and others  will follow. 

Quotes on Leadership - When Failure is likely

"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just." Abraham Lincoln Not all leaders are given a winning hand and sometimes failure seems likely. The mark of a good leader is the ability to continue to do the right thing even when success is elusive. Lincoln was more pragmatic than his words reveal but he also knew that sometimes doing the right thing is better than doing the thing most likely to bring success. From that all leaders can learn

Quotes on Leadership - Being A Follower

"He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander" - Aristotle There is a discipline involved in being a good follower. It's not always easy to obey command with which you don't agree. As a follower you do so because you accept that you are being led and that your leader may have a bigger vision than your own. In addition you respect that decision because it has been made by a leader you have accepted. When a follower becomes a leader the experience of learning to obey is enormously valuable. The leader who has been a good follower can understand the frustrations of being led and can take that into account in making and implementing decisions.

Quotes on Leadership - Empowering Others

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." Bill Gates It is accepted wisdom that a good leader "empowers" their followers but what does that mean in practice? It means accepting that you don't know everything. It means accepting that you can't do everything. Empowering people means giving them real responsibility for the success of the joint venture. Giving away responsibility is a visible act of trust and it allows followers to contribute. We live in a time of increasing speed and complexity in all areas of our lives. If a leader fails to accept that success means trusting others they will fail to achieve their potential.

Quotes on Leadership - Hope

"A leader is a dealer in hope." Napoleon Bonaparte Some of the simplest quotes on leadership reveal the biggest truths. We look to a leader to give us hope; hope that they will lead us through our difficulties and into a better future. Napoleon's escape from Elba and his subsequent rallying of the French troops was an example of how a leader can bring hope to his followers. One of the greatest qualities of Sir Winston Churchill, another great leader, was his ability to give hope when there seemed none. Even in the darkest days of the Battle of Britain his words inspired hope in a tired and battered people. The best leaders do not hide reality from their followers but they are able to show them that despite the difficulties there is a way through.

Quotes on Leadership - Beg Forgiveness

If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It is much easier to apologize than it is to get permission. - Admiral Grace Hopper The idea behind this quote is the same as Tim Ferriss' motto "It's better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission". It highlights an important element of leadership - leaders don't always seek permission to do the right thing. If seeking permission would take too long or could prevent them doing what they need to do good leaders will often ignore the rules and clear up the mess later. That takes courage and confidence in your own judgement but if you take the action for the right reasons it's a risk worth taking.